It arrived after May the 4th last year, so I waited almost a year to wear it!!
Here is this year. I did dd's hair like Rey, and ds wore his Stormtrooper costume from Halloween. I told him to smile, and he said, "Mom! Stormtroopers don't smile!!" He has a point.
And the obligatory fight scene...
I love this polish!! This is under my lights, and just like any holo flakie polish, it's suuuuper hard to show all the amazingness of it.
This was 2 easy coats, the flakies laid down nicely, and I did use a glossy top coat for extra gorgeousness.
Here is another picture in artificial light.
And then in the SUNSHINE!!! Isn't it amazing???? So much sparkle and beautifulness!! Exact same hand pose as the last picture, but WHAM!!
And more pictures, because it's sooo beautiful!!
Here's a macro, super hard to capture
One more picture because I love it!
I am trying not to re-wear polishes until I've gone through all my untrieds, which will literally take years (like 1000 untried, no joke), but this one will be worn for every May 4!!
And here was 2017's May the 4th kiddo picture, lol. Because I think they're adorable.
May the 4th Be With You!! Live your life with love in your hearts and glitter on your nails!
#glampolish #maythefourthbewithyou #maythe4th #glittermynails #ilovedoingmynails #independentnailpolish #indienailpolish #indiepolish #lovedoingmynails #mani #manitime #manicure #manicures #metime #nailpolish #nailtime #nailswatch
I love this post!!! Love the polish too!